I was "stumbling" one day and I came across one of the most amazing ideas someone has ever dreamed up!Her name is Robyn and she is a genius. The blog post title is "How I Celebrated My Birthday (aka 38 random acts of Robyn)". In a nutshell, she designated 38 random acts of kindness that she spread throughout her community on her birthday. I swelled up with mushy-ness as I looked at the pictures and read the story of the 38 acts.
AND THEN IT HAPPENED. In October, I will be celebrating my 21st birthday which also happens to be my second GOLDEN birthday!!! (10-10-10). I never enjoyed or cared to partake in spirits and alcohol, so that was definitely out of the question. I had been considering what to do for a while, and with the help of Robyn, I finally knew what I was going to do.
On my 21st Golden Birthday, I will be doing:
21 Things for [my] 21st.
So, stay tuned! I will be debuting my list 1 item at a time, some come from inspiration of Robyn and some are really special to me.
Let's enjoy this journey to my:
21 Things
visit Robyn's blog!
I absolutely LOVE this idea! (and you too!). Good Luck! and you certainly inspired me to do more random acts in my daily life.